Start your study adventure in Chile. The Chilean Government AGCID Nelson Mandela Scholarships provides scholarships for recognized Spanish-taught Master’s programs at Chilean higher education organizations in 2024. The scholarships are provided for master’s degrees to professionals who are nation of South Africa, Mozambique, and Angola. For the educational year 2024, the Chilean Agency for Global Cooperation and Development (AGCID) provides scholarships to perform recognized Master’s Degree studies in Chilean Universities or other higher education organizations.
AGCID’s Horizontal Cooperation Scholarship Program started in 1993. To date, further than 1,000 Latin American and Caribbean professionals have finished post-graduate programs in different categories of specialization provided by Chilean universities or higher education organizations, and, as of the year 2015, the Scholarship Program has been expanding to citizens of South Africa, Mozambique, and Angola.
DEADLINE | 10 November 2023 |
STUDY IN | Chile |
PROVIDER | Chilean Government |
STUDY LEVEL | Masters , Postgraduate |
SUBJECTS | Subjects offered by the university |
FUNDING TYPE | Government Scholarships
, Fully Funded Scholarships |
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Scholarship Eligibility
The eligibility standard for the Fully Funded Chilean Government AGCID Nelson Mandela Scholarships in Chile is stated below:
1. Applications given by government officials or educational from universities officially managed by the respective country.
2. Applications agree with Annex 1 (See the Link below) containing the Accredited Master’s Degree Courses.
3. Applications to the areas of ASTRONOMY, AGRICULTURE, ENERGY, PUBLIC POLICY MANAGEMENT, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, AND MINING, among many that appear on the List of Masters courses held in Annex 1 attached to this Call for Applications.
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Scholarship Benefits
The benefits of the Chilean Government AGCID Nelson Mandela Scholarships are:
1. Spanish language course (can be in parallel with studies or before the starting of the studies)
2. Return airfare
3. Tuition charges
4. Graduation costs
5. Medical insurance
6. Monthly stipend
7. Successful candidates will be needed to make grants with them to Chile to cover initial costs; while the administration of allowance payments is being finalized, an amount of a minimum of US$ 500 is recommended.
How to Apply? Candidates should give the AGCID Grant application with the beneath annex documents electronically to the e-mail esudafrica@minrel.gob.cl.
- Certificate of acceptance of the chosen study program;
- Medical certificate – physical and mental;
- Real certificate of Professional Title or authorized copy by a public notary;
- Curriculum Vitae, with emphasis on work and educational background;
- The motivational certificate containing the reasons that drive the candidate to study in Chile;
- Brief description of the possible areas and topics of the thesis;
- Educational reference letter;
- Letter of sponsorship from the employing organization (if applicable);
- Affidavit receiving the terms and requirements of the scholarship.
More information on the application procedure can be accessed through the link: Nelson Mandela 2024 AGCID Scholarships.
Documents And Links
Call for the Nelson Mandela Master’s Scholarships 2024
Recommendation of Health Declaration and Pre-existing Diseases