Pursue your Study in South Korea. Good news! Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) 2022-23 is currently open for Exchange students. In this post, we will explain in detail the Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS), its benefits, and the step-by-step application processes.
Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is a fully-funded fund for exchange scholars. This scholarship is given for master’s and undergraduate studies for the 2022-2023 session. The scholarship protects the housing cost, settlement amount, airfare, and medical insurance.
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SNU ISI is current an exclusive opportunity for scholars to experience educational life at the Seoul National University, Korea’s many admired university and one of the leading universities in the world. SNU ISI’s taught by famous SNU and visiting faculty link, bargains students an opportunity to study in-depth Korea and East Asia, as well as a range of steps from the disciplines of Economics and Business Management to History, Politics, Sociology, and the Arts.
Since its discovery in 2007, further, than two thousand candidates from all over the world have participated in the SNU ISI program to learn, experience, and enjoy amazing summer of academics, activities, and long-lasting friendships.
Purpose: to provide important experiences for exchange scholars concerning Korean culture and study; to strengthen the world capability of Korean universities.
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Scholarship Summary
- Level of Study: Undergraduate / Masters
- Institution(s): SNUs partner universities
- Study in: South Korea
- Program Period: 4 months or 10 months (dependent on the student’s exchange period)
- Deadline: September / February (Annually)
Courses Provided:
College of Humanities
- Korean Language and Literature
- Language and Literature
- English Language and Literature
- French Language and Literature
- German Language and Literature
- Russian Language and Literature
- Hispanic Language and Literature
- Linguistics
- Asian Languages and Civilizations
- Korean History
- Asian History
- Western History
- Archaeology and Art History
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Aesthetics
College of Social Sciences
- Political Science and International Relations
- Political Science
- International Relations
- Economics
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Psychology
- Geography
- Social Welfare
- Communication
College of Natural Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Statistics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Physics
- Astronomy
- Chemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
- Plant Science
- Forest Sciences
- Food and Animal Biotechnology
- Applied Biology and Chemistry
- Biosystems & Biomaterials Science and Engineering
- Landscape Architecture and Rural System Engineering
- Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
College of Business Administration
- Business Administration
College of Education
- Education
- Korean Language Education
- English Education
- German Language Education
- French Language Education
- Social Studies Education
- History Education
- Geography Education
- Ethics Education
- Mathematics Education
- Physics Education
- Chemistry Education
- Biology Education
- Earth Science Education
- Physical Education
College of Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Architecture and Architectural Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Energy Resources Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
College of Fine Arts
- Oriental Painting
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Crafts and Design
College of Liberal Studies
- Liberal Studies
College of Human Ecology
- Consumer and Child Studies
- Food and Nutrition
- Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design
College of Music
- Vocal Music
- Composition
- Instrumental Music
- Piano
- Wind
- String
- Korean Music
College of Nursing
- Nursing
College of Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Manufacturing Pharmacy
College of Veterinary Medicine
- Preliminary Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine
Interdisciplinary Programs for Undergraduates
- Computational Sciences
- Entrepreneurship
- Global Environmental Management
- Information Science and Culture Studies
- Media Art
- Technology Management
- Comparative Studies for East Asian Humanities
For more information, click here.
- COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is unnatural to students who are currently majoring in business or economics at their home university.
- Applicants who enroll for the KOREAN HISTORY/ PSYCHOLOGY/ STATISTICS MAJOR should give evidence of Korean language skills. A reasonable level of Korean language power must be either (1) Level 5 or greater than on the official Korean Language Talent Test or (2) Level 5 or greater than on the Korean Test exposed at the SNU Language organization.
- COLLEGE OF LAW is NOT open to undergraduate level scholars from Spring 2018.
- School of Law, an expert law school for graduate-level candidates, will be open to undergraduate-level candidates from Fall 2018. Check that these undergraduate scholars will be enrolled as graduate Master’s scholars in SNU law school throughout their studies.
Applicants who want to study in the discipline of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Music, and MBA should, at the latest, be counseled of their admissibility by the SNU administrator.
- COLLEGE OF MEDICINE is no longer provided to exchange students.
- COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY is open Just to master’s level scholars presently enrolled in a master’s program at the School of Dentistry or corresponding at their home university. The scholar exchange program is not provided at the undergraduate level for the College of Dentistry.
- VOCAL MUSIC MAJOR is restricted to students who are presently studying vocal music at their home university.
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Scholarship Coverage
Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) offered the receiver the beneath profits:
- Living costs: 500,000 won per month.
- Settlement amount: 200,000 won upon arrival.
- Round-trip Airfare: Reimbursement accessible within the set allowance.
- Medical Insurance:20,000 won monthly (waged by each university).
Eligibility Standard for GKS
To succeed finGKS Scholarship, the applicants should accomplish all of the following conditions below:
- Required Language: English.
- Allowed Countries: All world countries.
- Applicants must presently be registered in at least the second semester of the home university program (= have finished at least one semester before they enroll)
* We cannot thus acquire graduate scholars who are admitted to the first semester of the Master’s program at their application phase.
- Applicants should fulfill the following GPA conditions. (From Fall 2020’s admission)
- Undergraduate: GPA 2.5/4.0 (equal to 2.7/4.3) or percentile rank 83
- Masters: GPA 3.0/4.0 (equal to 3.3/4.3) or percentile level 89
How to Apply for Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) 2023?
Please follow the following application directions to enrolled for this scholarship.
- Applicants should be selected by from their universities and the application package must be given by the university by e-mail, along with a formal mention letter for the GKS scholarship.
- The mentioned applicants will accept full details on how to log in and apply online from the designated SNU administrator.
- Apply to the exchange program the Online fill in the application, and update the scanned copies of the documents beneath to the application system:
- A Certificate of Registration from the present university you are attending.
- Official University Transcript.
- Letter of Recommendation from from an instructor at the current university.
- A announcement of Purpose (a free essay in English or Korean).
- A Copy of the Candidate’s Passport.
- For Fine Arts, Music, and Physical Education students: Photographs of works/recording of performances
For more details on the exchange programme, Click here.
- Submit the application.
IMPORTANT NOTES:- Exchange program applicants can accomplish the application by online submission.
- All forms must be submitted and posted in ORIGINAL or confirmed as an official copy and must be in Korean or English. If your forms are not in Korean or English, please have your forms translated into Korean or in English and have conthem firmed and sealed by an official body.
To know more about Fully Funded Global Korea Scholarship (GKS), please visit the official website: