Start your study adventure in the USA. The Clark University In USA Fully Funded Scholarship 2024 is open to all international candidates. This scholarship Program secures $15,000 to $25,000 every year for 4 years, contingent upon meeting educational standards for renewal.
Clark University was discovered in 1887 as the first all-graduate organization in the country. We’ve come a long journey in the intervening years, but one thing has never flickered: Our commitment to a meaningful study that leads to positive change for our group and our world.
15 November 2023 |
STUDY IN | United States Of America |
PROVIDER | Clark University |
STUDY LEVEL | Bachelor , Undergraduate |
SUBJECTS | All Subjects |
FUNDING TYPE | Fully Funded Scholarships |
Scholarship Eligibility
The eligibility standard for the Clark University In USA Fully Funded Scholarship 2024 are stated below:
1 Needed Language: English.
2. Allow Countries: All world countries.
3. To be allowed, you should be a first-year candidate (not a transfer candidate) who has attended school work for at least 4 years. Clark will consider international nations attending school in the United States.
4. You also must display the potential to offer leadership in your community and the world and commit to making a dissimilar.
5. You require to display good educational results and other activities.
6. Your eligibility for scholarships turns on your educational achievement (those designate on your application for admission), not on your family’s requirements. However, international candidates who may be allowed scholarships are still expected to demonstrate the skills to secure a significant percentage of the cost of their education. This incorporates candidates who desire to be considered for the Presidential LEEP Scholarship or the Global Perfessor Program.
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Scholarship Benefits
The benefits of the Clark University In USA Fully Funded Scholarship 2024 are:
1. If admitted to the Global Professor Program, you will accept a scholarship of $15,000 to $25,000 every year (for four years, contingent upon meeting educational standards for renewal).
2. If your financial requirement is greater than the amount of the Global Perfessor award, you may be allowed up to an additional $5,000 in required-based financial aid.